Spanish Curriculum


(Little Steps)

Spanish Curriculum

Pasitos is a multisensory and interdisciplinary curriculum for children 6 months to 7 years old. It has the purpose to enable parents, caregivers and teachers to be able to expose young children to Spanish.

This curriculum is play based and it follows a natural approach. We believe that young children acquire a second language through repetition, association and most important interaction. Children learn through play and interaction with their caregivers and peers.

Digital returns: No digital product is eligible for return. Upon your purchase you are automatically sent your files to download and as we cannot remove them from your computer, the purchase is final sale.

Covers for the lessons in the Unit

Lección 1 Rojo / Red

We will learn to say the color red in Spanish and the names of some red fruits.
We will learn how to ask and answer questions such as: ¿De qué color es? / What color is it? and ¿Qué fruta es? / Which fruit is it?


Lección 2 Amarillo / Yellow

We will learn to say the color yellow in Spanish and the names of some yellow fruits. We will learn to ask and answer questions with plural nouns for each fruit. We will also learn about verbs.

Lección 3 Verde / Green

We will learn to say the color green in Spanish and the names of some green fruits. We will learn how to ask and answer the question: ¿Qué te gusta comer? /What do you like to eat?

Lección 4 Azul / Blue

We will learn to say the color blue in Spanish and the names of some blue fruits. We will learn how to ask and answer the question: ¿Cuántos? / How many? We will also learn numbers one to ten.

Lección 5 Arcoíris / Rainbow

We will learn to say more colors in Spanish, including all the colors of the rainbow. We will learn how to ask and answer the questions: ¿Qué colores tiene el arcoíris? / What colors does the rainbow have? and ¿Qué color ves? / What color do you see?
Also, we will learn about using acento when asking questions.

Lección 6 Colores en acción

We will learn these action words: para/stop, sigue / go ahead, lento /slow. We will also learn the phrase: toca aquí /touch here. Also, we will learn how to play the game semáforo / Traffic Light.

Lección 7 Ensalada de frutas / Fruit salad

We will practice all the colors and fruit names in Spanish. We will learn how to ask and answer the question: ¿Qué fruta quieres? / What fruit do you want?

Lección 8 Repaso / Review

In this lesson we will review all that we have been learning the last seven weeks. We will review vocabulary, sentences and songs. We will be playing some of the games. We will review some grammar rules. The structure of this lesson is different. There are going to be four reviews.

In addition

Each lesson contains a grammar section, a game, a worksheet, and flashcards or props for each lesson.

Digital returns: No digital product is eligible for return. Upon your purchase you are automatically sent your files to download and as we cannot remove them from your computer, the purchase is final sale.

Curriculum framEwork

Pasitos is based on music, games, playing and hands-on activities. It utilizes all five senses. Children are more engaged in learning when they can relate to the concepts taught in class. They process better through play, movement, and art. Exploration and interaction with adults and other children is vital to learning anything. When they enjoy the process, they will learn more effectively. Learning a language is a long process, but it can be

done in a fun and natural way. This curriculum offers you that framework to learn in a fun and engaging way. This curriculum will support your belief that Spanish is important in a child’s education and encourage you to be intentional when it comes teaching and exposing children to a second language at a young age. The rest of the process will be the daily habits and routines you establish in class or at home.

Digital returns: No digital product is eligible for return. Upon your purchase you are automatically sent your files to download and as we cannot remove them from your computer, the purchase is final sale.

  This Curriculum offers you

parents & Teachers

Teacher’s guide (Step by step on what to do for each lesson)


Eight complete lessons that form a whole unit.

QRs Audios


Each audio includes the vocabulary and sentences.


Worksheets to practice the vocabulary and sentences.


Flashcards of the vocabulary used in the lesson.

Games Props

Game props

Color circles to play “Semáforo” in Spanish



Each lesson describes a game you can play to practice the vocabulary.

QRs Songs


QR’s for songs to take you to the Youtube link to listen to the songs.

Digital returns: No digital product is eligible for return. Upon your purchase you are automatically sent your files to download and as we cannot remove them from your computer, the purchase is final sale.

Lesson 1 - Rojo - Rainbow

This curriculum is designed to have short lessons. Shorter lessons enhance children’s curiosity and enable you to teach Spanish on a daily basis at home or at school.

The curriculum works by units. Every unit has eight lessons. These lessons can be taught weekly. Each week introduces new vocabulary and sentences. Units are designed in a spiral structure.

Digital returns: No digital product is eligible for return. Upon your purchase you are automatically sent your files to download and as we cannot remove them from your computer, the purchase is final sale.

First unit is available now


The first unit is now available for purchase and we will inform you as each unit becomes available. Our goal is to provide multiple units of the Pasitos (Little Steps) curriculum to cover the entire year since it is important to be consistent when learning a second language.

Unidad de colores (Color Unit) will teach you and your child/student about colors, fruit names, verbs, simple commands in Spanish, basic phrases (such as I like, I don’t like), questions (such as what color is the fruit?) and sentences in Spanish. You will also learn basic grammar rules to have a better understanding of the language and teach your child/student. Each lesson will include a worksheet, game, and flash cards to practice the vocabulary and concepts.

This Unit includes

    • QR’s for audios of the sentences and vocabulary in each lesson.
    • Worksheets.
    • Flash cards.
    • Game props.
    • Games.
    • QR’s for the songs.

Digital returns: No digital product is eligible for return. Upon your purchase you are automatically sent your files to download and as we cannot remove them from your computer, the purchase is final sale.


You can download for free the first lesson as a sample of the Unit. Here you can have access to the audios and songs that are included in the lesson.

The first unit is now available for purchase and we will inform you as each unit becomes available. Our goal is to provide multiple units of the Pasitos (Little Steps) curriculum to cover the entire year since it is important to be consistent when learning a second language.

Lesson 1 - Red

frequently asked questions

FAQs Unit 1 - Colors

This curriculum is for teachers (classroom or homeschool) or parents who want to teach Spanish to their children/students at an early age.


Parent/child classes for children ages 9 month old to 5 years old.


We have chosen units because we believe education should be integrated and interactive. A unit offers plenty of opportunities to repeat the concepts and words in a correlational way, which will help the student to associate and solidify the new sounds and words in Spanish.


Listen to the audios as you read the lesson, the audios follow the order of the lesson plan. Once you are familiar with the lesson, you can listen to the audios by themselves.


The flashcards are a great educational tool to repeat the vocabulary learned in the lesson. Use them to drill over and over again the new words. Use them during meal times, before bed or other times where your child is relaxed.


The props are used to play the games in the lesson plans; but that does not mean you can’t create your own games and have fun with your child/student as you learn Spanish.


The duration of the lesson depends on different factors: child’s age, interests, attention span, and time you can dedicate for Spanish. The lessons do not have to be every day, they can be every other day, or once or twice a week. You are the master of your schedule. It can be as short as five minutes and long as 20 minutes. You can do one lesson a day, or one lesson a week. The most important aspect is that you practice everyday words and sentences learned in the lesson. Do it as part of your daily routine, while you are driving to places, eating lunch or dinner, or waiting at the doctor. The more you use Spanish words and sentences, the more your child/student will be familiar with them and the more he or she will want to use them himself or herself.


Yes, we do offer support for parents and teacher. Just call us or email us if you have a question

Are there returns or refunds for this curriculum?

Digital returns: No digital product is eligible for return. Upon your purchase you are automatically sent your files to download and as we cannot remove them from your computer, the purchase is final sale.

Digital returns: No digital product is eligible for return. Upon your purchase you are automatically sent your files to download and as we cannot remove them from your computer, the purchase is final sale.

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