
Learn Spanish the fun way!

Many families have come and joined our Spanish classes


Learn Spanish the fun way!

Many families have come and joined our Spanish classes

What parents say about us

Noa’s and Cybele’s mom (4 years old and 17 months old)

My daughters and I enjoyed Jennifer”s class very much. She is warm and friendly, personable, and focused. She is able to lead both small and large classes with a gentle tone, and children seem to respond to her very quickly.
The class is structured so the children practice about ten songs/session, always beginning with “Buenos Dias” and ending with “Adios Amigos”  The next-to-the-last song is typically a lullaby, and that signals to the children that the class is coming to a close and that it’s time to settle down before concluding. The children are encouraged to be active throughout the class, by picking up/setting down items to dancing with scarves, to playing and sharing a variety of musical instruments. Jennifer is careful to include everyone and to show no partiality.
My 4-year old daughter began humming and then singing several of the songs after just a few (demo) classes; this told me that she was interested in learning Spanish and able to absorb words from a new language without needing a literal word-for-word translation (like I seem to need), so I wanted to be sure that my daughter had an opportunity to do so.
My 17-month old daughter doesn’t speak much English yet, much less Spanish, but I am curious to listen for her first words -who knows what language she’ll choose! Additionally, she responds extremely well to music, so this class was very enjoyable to her.
I would recommend this class to other parents and children, in the hopes that other children could be exposed in a systematic way to a new language. The first several classes may feel daunting simply because of the amount of new words to take in, but I would encourage parents/children to persevere and commit to the class for its duration. It is truly an enjoyable experience! Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing your knowledge and language with us.

Isadora’s mom (2 years old)

This class makes it easy to learn basic Spanish numbers, colors, phrases, because remembering a song is so much easier than remembering independent words and phrases. The class is engaging for kids because each song has actions and/or I have been amazed observing my younger daughter’s confidence blossom. She sings “Buenos dias” with gusto, even including hand motions.

Morgan’s mom (18 months old)

This class makes it easy to learn basic Spanish numbers, colors, phrases, because remembering a song is so much easier than remembering independent words and phrases. The class is engaging for kids because each song has actions and/or props to go with it, I can’t wait for my daughter and I to continue learning with Mrs. Jennifer!

Julian’s dad (4 years old)

The class was very fun, when my four year old sang along with the songs in the car it was very rewarding and awesome to be able to do that together as a family.

Sage’s mom (2 years old)

We love this class! It is our first one but I can see Sage is picking up on the words. Some people couldn’t believe or understand why I would put him in Spanish when he is just learning English but now they are seeing why, when Sage will say some words or point to the object that we say in Spanish.

Ensley’s and Emersyn’s mom (twins 21 months old)

My girls are just starting to speak English well and make sentences, but they will repeat the Spanish words to objects and colors we see around the house. They are starting to connect it all together. My favorite thing they do is, I will say a Spanish word and they repeat it in English! I love that they are beginning to put it all together!

Vivian’s and Girard’s mom (2 and 5 years old)

The props Jennifer uses are very good. My daughter loves Pepe, the puppet, she ask about him when we are on the way to class. My daughter and son sing they favorite songs everyday. They do it spontaneously, and I join them. It’s been a bounding experience for us. I wish we could have the class everyday. It’s a joy to see the kids absorb the Spanish so quickly and surprise you with it each day.

Izzy’s mom (3 years old)

My daughter and myself really enjoyed the Vamos a Cantar class. She picked up the numbers, colors and songs really quickly! One day she was just singing the songs and implementing Spanish into our daily lives! Great way to introduce a 2nd language! Thanks Mrs. Jennifer!!

Amelia’s mom (3 years old)

My daughter and I have enjoyed the class. She has opened up with her shyness. She has incorporating Spanish words into our daily routines. She sings parts of the songs already from memory. I would recommend this class to others. Jennifer is a great teacher and she is great with kids. It seems like a lot in the beginning, but I was surprised how quickly my daughter was absorbing the clas

Jacob’s mom

We enjoyed the music and activities. It is good to expose them to other languages at this age. Our boy is 2yrs old.

Angie Mack – Grandview Branch Program Facilitator

Jennifer is a wonderful teacher and does a great job introducing the Spanish language to the smallest learners. Her use of many different manipulatives, written lyrics, handouts, and music all make a fun environment where learning is easy.

Judah’s mom (1 year old)

These classes are an amazingly unique experience for children and their parents. It’s a great environment for parent/child bonding that carries into every day life as we sing the songs throughout our day. The kids have so much fun interacting with one another during each song and all of the props and puppets make this an exciting and engaging activity. Most importantly, I love that it is sparking neural development that will serve my child well into the future and shows him that learning is fun! I am so thankful we found Ms. Jennifer and her classes!!

Mason’s mom (4 years old)

I absolutely loved the class and would recommend it to anyone. It exceeded my expectations in pretty  much any way I could imagine: Jennifer was an energetic, fun, and very knowledgeable teacher; the songs were fun and had great interactivity (puppets, hand motions, etc.), and our whole family enjoyed listening to the songs at other times. Now I just need to do it more! It was fun for me and for my son. Thank you so much!”

Connor’s mom (2 years old)

My boy loves these Spanish songs! He was a little shy when we first started the class, but Ms. Jennifer made it so fun and so easy for every kid to get involved and play, that at the end he loved going to Spanish class and dancing/playing with all his classmates. Thank you Mrs. Jennifer!

Aden’s mom (2 years old)

I would recommend this class to anyone with tots. This class is fun interactive and the children are learning. You do a great job! Aden sings the songs all the time at home.

Sofia’s mom (5 years old)

My  daughter Sofia loved this class. She counted down the days until she could go again! Sofia sang the songs daily and loved Jennifer. This class was a great foundation for future Spanish lessons.

Sage’s and Sierra’s mom (5 years old and 3 years old)

It is a wonderful way for kids this age to learn another language. It keeps their attention and the songs are catchy so they will remember them for year to come.

Rita’s grandma (18 moths old)

We liked the instructor, she did a very nice class. We would recommend this class to others.

Palmer’s, Idgie’s Marlowe’s dad (5 years, 3 years, and 2 years old)

We really enjoyed the class. The kids had a lot of fun and after three weeks our youngest was walking around the house singing “Buenos Dias”.

Ariana’s mom (3 years old)

This class has confirm that Ariana learns Spanish best by singing. It’s the only format in which she doesn’t say, “I want it in English” My daughter pointed to my water bottle and said “agua!” It’s so important to me to hear her speaking Spanish spontaneously.  It is priceless to me that my daughter get to converse with a native Spanish speaker on a weekly basis.

Caleb’s and Devin’s mom (11 and 8 years old)

I like that they learned Spanish in a fun way. It is an interactive class. | Explorando class

Eden’s and Tirza’s mom (7 and 4 years old)

I am really thankful to have found this class (by chance on Google search) in order to prepare my kids for their trip to Costa Rica this summer. They have a genuine interest in learning Spanish now and practice without being asked to daily. They are excited now to spend a month immersed in the language. | Explorando and Pasitos class

Libby’s and Mack’s dad (5 and 3 years old)

Excellent exposure to Spanish spoken, and great variety of games and activities. | Jugando class

Anya’s dad (4 years old)

I like the emphasis on the teachers responding to the kids in Spanish on consistent basis. The projects that she took home are very nice. Overall, I think the class is well structured and would recommend to other parents. | Jugando class

Alex’s and Vivian’s dad (5 and 4 years old)

I love having my kids participate in immersion activities at such an early age, as I believe it’s the only way to learn. Learning a language is hard work, so adding this fun is half the battle. Alex and Vivian love “showing off” what they have learned to their cousins, who are native Spanish speakers. | Jugando class

Lydia’s mom (7 years old)

I enjoy the classroom set up, my daughter understands and she is here to learn but she has fun! Her vocabulary has increased, she likes to ask about what different words are in Spanish. | Jugando class

Lian’s and Mila’s mom

This class a was perfect way to introduce and get the kids excited about Spanish. Great songs that teach everyday vocabulary and are easy and fun to sing made the class so fun. | Pasitos class

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